Of course, we don't recommend just adding and removing programs at a whim use the Google it! and File Properties buttons to learn about unfamiliar entries. The process we removed had little individual effect, but add in a whole mess of autoupdaters, compatibility modules, and worse offenders, and you've got performance issues. Adding items to the startup menu was just as easy we clicked Add New Entry, browsed to a program file, and added it with a click. Then, the program wouldn't start automatically and run in the background, consuming system resources and compromising performance and possibly even security. Nothing happened, and nothing was supposed to happen, really the action would come when we rebooted. However, one was ripe for plucking, so we deselected its checkbox to show it who was boss. We believe in a healthy PC that boots as quickly as possible, so our test machine had a mere seven entries. The program's main display listed the programs in our startup file. The program's left-hand Tasks panel replicates most of the basic Windows controls for enabling, disabling, deleting, and running selected entries, plus a few extras, such as Refresh and File Properties controls and one labeled Google it! Clicking this opened a Google search on the selected entry, a great idea for inexperienced users since you should always have a good idea of what you're doing when adding or removing programs from the boot sequence. Mz StartUp Manager's simple, efficient interface offers numerous optional skins. It also helps users learn about their programs. This free tool not only removes unneeded startup entries but also adds new ones, such as apps you use every day and are just plain tired of launching. These are programs that the system loads when booting up, sometimes unnecessarily. Mz StartUp Manager makes it easy enough for beginners to tell Windows which programs to load on boot, which isn't quite the same thing as pinning and unpinning programs to the Start Menu.